
My program will help you:

  • Heal from past trauma and address doubts and fears

  • Feel empowered and knowledgeable during pregnancy to make informed decisions regarding their care.

  • Reduce effects from potential or actual pregnancy complications.

  • Be healthy, strong, calm and centered

  • Be prepared and empowered for childbirth

  • Prepare implicitly for motherhood.

I strongly encourage partners’ participation as the insights promise to deepen mutual understanding.

What your partner can gain:

  • Shared knowledge and understanding of pregnancy and childbirth

  • A skilful toolbox full of ways for support during childbirth

  • Greater sense of confidence and preparedness for parenthood

  • Stronger and more supportive relationship

Pippa smiling, embodying the support and empowerment her coaching program offers to expecting parents. Highlights healing, empowerment, partner participation, and preparation for childbirth and parenthood.

“Reclaiming childbirth as a right of passage requires us to recognize that mothers own the power and expertise when it comes to birthing their babies”


My program is more than just coaching; it’s a community of like-minded women and their partners supporting each other on the incredible journey of motherhood

(Contact us for pricing)